Prices for GigSky data plans vary depending on the currency which is determined by Region settings in their app.
Prices for GigSky data plans vary depending on the currency which is determined by Region settings in their app.
Prices for GigSky data plans vary depending on the currency which is determined by Region settings in their app.
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Writing this review in Nov 2024 using a GigSky esim on my iPhone. It has worked well in Guantรกnamo, Imรญas, and right now in Baracoa. After changing my location I often have to enable/disable Flight Mode to get a working internet connection (LTE symbol). This might be a quirk of the cuban cellular network.
Worst eSim we've ever used and we have travelled a lot and used many different eSims around the world. This was a complete waste of money. Even thought we seemed to be connected to LTE most of the time we couldn't actually download anything, send messages, or surf the web at all.
We couldn't even download the mandatory update to the GigSky app because the connection didn't actually work.