Nomad provides prepaid mobile connectivity service, bringing convenient, fast and reliable service to travelers at an affordable price point. We offer international data plans in 170+ destinations via eSIM.
Nomad provides prepaid mobile connectivity service, bringing convenient, fast and reliable service to travelers at an affordable price point. We offer international data plans in 170+ destinations via eSIM.
Nomad provides prepaid mobile connectivity service, bringing convenient, fast and reliable service to travelers at an affordable price point. We offer international data plans in 170+ destinations via eSIM.
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The eSIM activates quickly and automatically and connects to Chunghwa Telecom once you turn on data roaming on the phone. Works well as expected.
When your speed test app can't even connect to the network, you know you're in for a bad time...
I think the problem here is that all the eSIM solutions for Taiwan seem to be routed through Hong Kong — as such, latency ranges from barely acceptable to extremely frustrating.
Meanwhile a physical SIM from Chungwa (or Far EasTone) has fast *and* unlimited data — plus a local number; you just have the extra bother of registering with your passport at the airport.
Card works great, routed via Hong Kong 1010 network. It appears to be limited to 80 Mbps. Other cards from other operators can easily do 200 or 300 Mbps on the same roaming network and same locations.